Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Wind Up to a New Year

The weather has been so great this season it's hard to believe that the year is actually winding down. And as the year winds down I typically start thinking about goals. Mind you this is not the only time of year because my goals tend to be a continuum.  An intertwined progression. Because goals are reached through habits, these good habits simply become - living.  Like a change in eating, sleeping and exercise - eventually these habits are regular life.  Which also means a change in energy expenditure; to sustain goals we must change how we live. And life is energy.  To whom and to what will I dedicate my energy.  I've cut back on what drains me. Sometimes it means complete removal or less drastic would mean a calculated investment.  A conscious decision that at a specific point I will stop. Stop giving away my energy to negative thoughts, emotion, wasted time and draining physical acts.  I imagine this can be hard for people who are the "all or nothing" types. If I cant give everything my all then I will give nothing.  You can give your everything to everything and everyone.  Temporarily. Say 20 seconds, then it begins to feel like you're working without oxygen. Burnout. Because I've become more mindful and less reactive things have become clearer. I even surprise myself as to how easily one can disconnect from scenarios that rob us of energy.  How suddenly things that mattered don't.  Suddenly I'm done.

My comfort with this was startling but when I think about it nothing happens over night.  It's cumulative. A buildup with our bodies, with our health, with our work and our relationships.  It just seems sudden. For example I experienced this with running.  I loved running but suddenly I didn't.  I felt a sense of betrayal.  This made me very uncomfortable and I felt the fear that comes with sudden change. In retrospect it was burnout.  So it was time to take a break.  I didn't completely stop it but I cut my duration, intensity and frequency.  When you reach a point where the things that brought you joy and helped you relieve stress no longer do that it's probably a good time to reevaluate.  And now, while keeping my injury at bay, I will take on another marathon.  Lucky number seven, or so they say.  I get a little nervous making my goal vocal.  I'm more competitive than I like to admit so if I don't shave off some time it will be just another marathon.  Perhaps its my pride. Or ego. much to work on.

So this year will be the continuum of good habits and positive energy expenditures.  I will continue with being mindful in my actions and take it a step further with Mark Williams' and Danny Penman's Mindfulness. I think many of us can use a daily practice to deal with all of life's demands.

I wish you all the best in the new year and hope that you find success in reaching new goals.  Stay active to maintain good health and  be open to change without fear.  Happy New Year!

Enjoy yourself in good health and fitness/gena.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Give the Gift of Fitness!

For many, the first step to health and fitness is the hardest - why not take that first step for someone on your Christmas list this year with an In-Home Personal Training Gift Certificate.
Show your support by helping invest in someone's health and fitness.

To mark that special someone off your list, message me for gift options.
All the best, Gena