Saturday, October 19, 2013

What's Your Excuse?

Have you heard about this one?   I've thought about this statement - "What's Your Excuse?" - 
When I see those words over that image I wonder; is there a degree of judgement in those three words that has caused a divide?  Does it suggest that I should look that way? That I'm not doing enough if I don't look that way? That I'm just full of it?  Maybe but I don't think that was truly the intention here.  What if it said "You Can Do It!"?  Based on the varied comments and feedback how you interpret something may very well depend on where you are in your life and how you feel in your body.  It's a little complicated.  What I've concluded though is that I don't believe in excuses.  I believe we make choices and set priorities. We can all make different ones and still be healthy.  You've got a six pack? Awesome.  You want a six pack? Go for it. You don't care for one? Enjoy your cake.  Health does not come down to how you look.  Judging anyone's worth, values, morals,  parenting skills or love for their family simply on how they look is very close-minded.

No matter where you stand on this I certainly don't believe in shaming, ridiculing, bashing or hating.  I believe in taking care of self so that we can take care of what and who matters to us.  A “ripped”, “jacked”, “shredded” body is appealing to some people and they are happy to make the choices necessary to achieve that look.  Not everyone wants to make those same choices.  There's nothing wrong with that. Health includes body, mind and spirit.  In simple words; do what works for you, find your balance and live your life.

Enjoy yourself in good health and fitness/gena.