Saturday, June 8, 2013

Old is New Again

For the past four months every aspect of my life was structured.  It had to be if I wanted to present my best self at each of the three figure competitions I competed in.  My food was weighed, measured and prepared on a daily basis.  Every workout was intense. Every repetition was a stepping stone in that big picture. But when it's over it can become tricky mentally and emotionally. Its' important to keep a level head. Your competition form is just that – competition form. It's your best self for the sport.  Seeing your transformation and grasping the potential of your body is super exciting.  I have also experienced this as a mother as I've watched my body take on a different form over two pregnancies.  The human body is truly amazing. But it can also be a little unsettling.  Unsettling because what you see in the mirror backstage is not sustainable.  Maintaining competition form all year round is not realistic or even healthy.  It's now one week post competition and I'm re-adjusting to my “new body” and the “new norm”. What's old is new again.  The first few days were definitely challenging.  Without a goal and direction for my drive, trying to find my place again outside of that determination and focus felt a little uncomfortable. Knowing that these feelings are part of the process is important.  It's normal.  In any sport you take the highs with the lows and quite frankly, that's also the case in the sport of life!   So hanging out with loved ones today meant a more relaxed day.  It's been some time since I've had a Saturday like this.  And I'm still working towards new goals for my next competition. That's where the excitement now lies.  Thoughts and ideas are stirring in my mind. Stepping out of competition mode I've had the chance to really let it all soak in and I'm happily entering back into my element.

Enjoy yourself in good health and fitness/gena.

A Day at the Provincials!

What a day! The energy, excitement and competition was fierce! These past three months have been about hard work, sacrifice and growth. In February, just before my 43rd birthday, I decided I was going to train for my first figure competition. Well I accomplished that goal in April and quickly realized I wanted more! I did another competition last weekend and finally today I stood on stage with Ontario Physique's finest provincial competitors. For that I am very proud. What a blast at the Toronto Pro SuperShow! Congratulations to all the athletes on stage today. We all worked very hard to get here!

I am so thankful for my loving and supportive family, friends and my amazing coach Mindi O'Brien. I've met some great people and awesome team mates! This has been quite the experience. It was not only an opportunity to truly push myself but to really put myself "out there". I appreciate every moment of this journey. And although today was the final show for this year it feels like the beginning. The real work begins now! Where I am today is my best - for today. Tomorrow it's back to the "lab"...There are some new goals to set and new events to look forward to! Thanks for all the support! xoxo

Enjoy yourself in good health and fitness/gena.